Irish and International Press are invited to County Arms Hotel, Birr, Co. Offaly (at 10.00 a.m.) and Redwood Castle, Lorrha, North Tipperary (at 3.00 p.m.), on International Day of Peace, the 21st of September 2024
To witness an Event Promulgating a New Lex Innocentium (Law of the Innocents): a moral, people’s law against the Calamitous Evils of Warfare in the 21st Century.
Lex Innocentium, 21st Century is a new moral, soft-power, people’s law that makes modern hyper-destructive warfare a Crime against Humanity; a Crime against the Earth; and a Crime against the Future.
In the year 697 AD, the Synod of Birr, Co. Offaly, Ireland, enacted a law to protect women, youth, clergy and other non-combatants in times of war. This law, Lex Innocentium (the Law of the Innocents), also known as Adomnán’s Law, after its author, Irish Monk, Adomnán, Ninth Abbot of Iona, made it a crime to harm or kill these innocents in war or military aggression. It has also come to be known as the First Geneva Convention and the Geneva Convention of the Gaels.
As a response to growing militarization worldwide, with its accompanying black propaganda, an initiative has arisen in Ireland to declare a new Lex Innocentium – a Lex Innocentium for the 21st Century. This is a moral, bottom-up, soft-power, people’s law that demands protection for women, children and non-combatants (indeed, all of humanity) from the horrors of war. Our aim is to give a voice to the voiceless innocents who are powerless throughout the world, yet who are watching as our planet burns and loses its biodiversity. We are also giving a voice to future generations, for whom we hold the earth in trust, that they might live in peace on a healthy planet. Lex Innocentium, 21st Century also gives voice to Planet Earth and all her varied and extraordinary ecosystems and living creatures.
Lex Innocentium, 21st Century will be launched on International Day of Peace, 21st September 2024. The launch, tracing the footsteps of the original law, begins at 10.00 a.m. at the County Arms Hotel, Birr (home-town of the original Lex Innocentium), with a morning of short talks and music.
After lunch, at 3.00 p.m., the launch resumes at Redwood Castle, Lorrha (a twenty-minute drive from Birr).
We are inviting the press in Ireland to send representatives to cover this evolving story, because it speaks urgently to the hunger among the Irish people to find a new place in the world for their historical commitment to peace, neutrality and peacekeeping. Since we succeeded in bringing an end to ‘the troubles’ in Northern Ireland, surely, we have the knowledge and skills to help other cultures to find peaceful and mutually-respectful solutions to their own conflicts. Against the onslaughts of modern hyper-technological warfare, which we witness daily in the various wars happening right now across the world, we have crafted this law to give voice to those of us who are trying to stop these tragic and pointless mass killings.
At Redwood Castle, following a formal reading of the law, attendees will be invited to sign the new law as official signatories. Signing will be witnessed by Ms. Coleesa Egan, the current owner of the castle.
A copy of the new law, with a list of its signatories, will be kept in a time capsule with a letter to future generations.
An oak tree will be planted at the castle in commemoration of the launch.
To mark International Day of Peace, the castle bell will be rung at 5.00 p.m., coinciding with the ringing of the Peace Bell at noon at UN Headquarters in New York, and the ringing of peace bells throughout the world.
Representatives of the press are invited to book full-day tickets, free of charge, on our website.
Lex Innocentium, 21st Century