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Law of the Innocent, 21st Century

At a time when International Laws are being ignored, the citizens of the Earth need to speak out.
It is well past time to put an end to war. War hurts innocent people. War hurts our beautiful planet. War threatens the future welfare of humanity and the earth. Lex Innocentium, 21st Century is a law of citizens of the earth who can no longer wait for governments to put an end to the scourge of war.

Castle Door

Launch Events on International Peace Day, 21st of September, 2024
Birr, Co. Offaly, and Redwood Castle, Lorrha, Co. Tipperary

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Lex Innocentium, 21st Century is not a State or International Law.  It is a law of citizens of the earth who can no longer wait for governments to put an end to the scourge of war.  It is a people’s law that makes war a crime against the principles, the morals and the feelings of the majority of people around the world.

At a time when International Laws are being ignored, the citizens of the Earth need to speak out.

Let’s make a collective voice, so they will hear us.

You can add your voice as a signatory of the law by attending the launch on the 21st of September, 2024.

The launch begins at the County Arms Hotel, Birr, Co. Offaly, with a morning of short talks and music. We will then regroup at Redwood Castle, Lorrha, Co. Tipperary (a twenty-minute drive from Birr) for the official reading and signing of the law.

Following the launch, people all around the world will be invited to subscribe and commit to the law on this website

Lex Innocentium, 21st Century takes its name from the original Lex Innocentium, Cáin Adomnáin or Adomnán’s Law, which was signed and enacted at the Synod of Birr (Co. Offaly) in the summer of the year 697 AD.  In his Lex Innocentium, Adomnán secured protection in times of war (jus in bello) for clerics (and church property), women and youth (those yet too young to engage in war).