Warmest Welcome
Lex Innocentium, 21st Century is a bottom-up, soft-power, moral people’s law that declares that
- War is a Crime against Humanity
- War is a Crime against the Earth
- War is a Crime against the Future
We invite you to become a signatory of Lex Innocentium, 21 Century and by doing so add your support to this international call for an end to war!
Lex Innocentium, 21st Century is based on the original Lex Innocentium (the Law of the Innocents) decreed at the Synod of Birr, Ireland, in the year AD 697. You can read the new Lex Innocentium here on this website.
You can also read about the history that inspired the new law.

We launched Lex Innocentium, 21st Century on UN International Day of Peace, 21st September 2024, at Birr, Co. Offaly and at Redwood Castle at Lorrha, North Tipperary.
You can now sign the law on this website, free of charge, and download your Certificate of Commitment.
The more signatures we have, the more powerful our law will be as a tool in the struggle for peace.

Global location of signatories
The map shows each signatory’s generalised location (closest urban area).

Lex Innocentium, 21st Century is supported by:
International Peace Bureau (IPB)
Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education (INNATE)
Global Green University
Seán English