Lex Innocentium, 21st Century was launched on Saturday, the 21st of September 2024, United Nations International Day of Peace. This was a very special weekend, because it was also the Autumnal Equinox, and the weekend of Adomnán’s Feast Day (the 23rd of September).
The launch took place over two venues. We began at the County Arms Hotel, Birr, Co. Offaly. Birr is the hometown of the original Lex Innocentium. The County Arms Hotel is only a few hundred yards from the monastic site where Adomnán and his ninety-one signatories promulgated Lex Innocentium in the year 697 AD. Over the course of a very pleasant morning, we enjoyed a series of inspiring short talks, audio/video talks and greetings, and some beautiful music (to view videos of these talks and greetings visit the Launch Speakers page).
In the afternoon, we went to Redwood Castle. The Castle is very important in the history of the original Lex Innocentium. In the early years of the seventeenth century, Ireland was falling more-and-more under the control of Britain. We had the Flight of the Earls in September 1607 and the old Gaelic Order was on the brink of being lost. Micheál O’Cléirigh and his colleagues (together, the Four Masters) were sent back to Ireland from their monastery in Leuven to gather, initially the history of the Irish Saints, but also Irish Civil History and Law. In the winter of 1628/1629, Micheál O’Cléirigh spent some days at Redwood Castle. He came there to discuss Adomnán’s law with the then resident of the castle, Flann Mac Aodhagáin of the bardic, lawyer family, the Mac Egans. The mission of the Four Masters was to record Irish history, culture and law, lest the Irish forget who they were. For us, Redwood Castle is about looking back and looking forward. Redwood Castle is currently in the ownership of Mac Aodhagáin’s kinswoman, Ms. Coleesa Egan, our kind and gracious host for the afternoon.
At Redwood, we listened to a reading of the law and our letter to future generations. We signed the law, and our signing was witnessed by Ms. Egan. We rang our peace bell at 5.00 p.m. to coincide with the ringing of the peace bell by the Secretary General at UN Headquarters in New York. We then planted a beautiful oak tree in commemoration of the launch of our new Lex Innocentium. The oak is a native of Ireland, but also an international symbol of strength and resilience. We also enjoyed some wonderful music at the castle.
We signed the law in duplicate. One copy will be stored in a time capsule – with our letter to the future. We hope that our time capsule will be opened in one hundred years’ time by people living in peace, harmony and justice, on a thriving Mother Earth.
If you missed the launch, please do not worry, you can read and sign the law here on our website and download your Signatory’s Certificate after signing.
An outline of the main events of the day:

Welcome and Introduction to Lex Innocentium – Marian Naughton
Candle-lighting ceremony – Elizabeth Cullen
Minutes Silence for the victims of war – past and present – Seán English
The History of Adomnán and Lex Innocentium, 697 AD – James Houlihan
Audio/Video Postcard from Argyll – Marian Pallister
Irish Peace History Before and After Adomnán – Rob Fairmichael
Music (Audio/Video Performance), I am Not at War with Anyone – Luka Bloom
Military Industrial Complex: Power & Profit – Eamon Rafter
Audio/Video Greeting – Mairead Maguire
Human Costs of War, With Emphasis on Children – Ed Horgan
Music (Harp) – Isabelle Ní Mhórdha
Costs to Environment and Future – Sylvia Thompson
Music (Harp) – Isabelle Ní Mhórdha
Audio/Video Message – Adi Roche
Audio/Video Message – Thomas Daffern


Welcome – Ms. Coleesa Egan
Reading of the law, Lex Innocentium, 21st Century – John Maguire
Signing the Law – Ms. Coleesa Egan
With Music (Harp) – Cillian Moran
Ringing of Peace Bell – The Signatories
Tree Planting – Miriam Ryan & Eamon Rafter
Music: Members of Comhaltas Ceoltoraí Eireann

Videos of the speakers at the launch event, along with transcripts of their talks, are available through the link below.