Lex Innocentium, 21st Century DECREES THAT IT IS A CRIME, in any circumstances, even accidentally, through acts of war or aggression:
- To kill, hurt, harm, or take hostage Innocent People.
- To kill or harm crops, livestock or domestic animals (including pets).
- To cause humanity to witness acts of violence, harm, cruelty and killing.
- To harm or injure the spirit of humanity through acts of violence, cruelty and war.
- To force individuals to commit acts of violence or aggression against their will.
- To harm or damage Planet Earth or any of her ecosystems and living creatures.
- To spend money and resources on war, including the stockpiling of weapons.
- To threaten, put at risk or harm Future Generations of Humanity or the Future Welfare of the Earth.
All Penalties under this law are non-violent and restorative.